Corporate Identity Study
Let's Carry Your Brand to a More Corporate level with Corporate Identity Work.
In the digital environment of a brand; Indicators reflecting its position, image, prestige, in short, its corporate face, form the corporate identity. We need this identity in order to be distinguishable, to be recognized and to have a permanent signature in the competitive environment of the domestic and international world. The project of the brand, in accordance with the service content of the brand in all aspects, whether visual, auditory or textual, and conveying the right message with the right fictions also goes through the creation of this identity. The purpose of corporate identity is 'Persistency and to leave a mark.' Each of the well-known brands in the world has a famous Logo. Thanks to this, they can attract attention at any time, whether they are in digital media or not, and they can easily appeal to large audiences. It is the identities that determine the image of the companies in the sector. If we do work professionally and take firm steps towards being permanent in this market, we will undoubtedly need a larger community that we can address, and for this, an effective online page will be required that the brand's name can be heard. Web design agencies step in at this stage and prepare a page that reflects the company with its plan, project and all its themes. Corporate identity studies are also a part of this phase. The corporate identity work, which is enriched with its logo, web design, motto, vision, slogan, e-mail signature, social media kit and Jings, is then presented to the digital platform and its effectiveness is evaluated. Corporate Identity Study Istanbul Turkey
01. Have a Stylish Posture!
After choosing the right messages, the right setup and the right corporate identity elements, what you need to do is to have a corporate identity body that will make you stand out from your competitors. You should stay away from ordinary designs and messages that do not reveal the difference of your brand. You should reflect your corporate identity with an elegant stance on the sector.
02. Explain Who You Are Correctly!
In order to make a difference in your sector and position yourself in the right places, it is no longer enough to have a corporate identity, it has to be correctly constructed and complete. With the help of your corporate identity elements, you leave a mark in the minds of your target audience. In order to describe your brand to your target audience in the most accurate and complete way, your corporate identity elements should form a whole and convey messages in the same direction.