Video Production
The Shining New Star of Digital, Short-Term Promotional Videos
The short film streams with audio visuals, which are frequently encountered in digital media, are called videos. Videos; While aiming to convey the content of the services of the website owners to the visitors in the shortest time and in the most efficient way, it also saves the internet user from the trouble of reading long paragraphs line by line. Of course, the preliminary preparation of such remarkable and peak image quality videos is done by expert video production companies. Video productions with promotional images suitable for the content and theme, in a way that appeals to the expectations of media users, are widely considered in commercials, promotional videos and trailers, and post productions. Video recordings prepared in 3 stages; Preproduction (pre-production): It is the section where the smallest detail from the scenario to be edited to the object to be used, from the casting to the shooting angle and time is prepared for the introduction, by determining the area where the shooting will take place. Production is the section where photography and clip shootings are handled from different angles, sound recordings are made and the main theme of the video is shaped. Post Production (after shooting); It is prepared by combining all recorded audio and visual frames and making them ready to meet with the audience and take their place on online platforms. Undoubtedly, we cannot finish counting the benefits of Video Production in this period when the digital world is in demand. Web pages gain a rich, qualified and contemporary appearance with this application, which enables it to bring its potential target audience to the international arena, as well as add quality and trust to the company profile and add value to its brand identity.
01. Don't Have a Introduction Film?
Through the fictions that best describe you, we prepare introduction films that will allow the audience to have information about you without boring them. Introduction films can be prepared with real video footage, with commercials over licensed videos, or as animated films. We do know precisely that the biggest problem of the business world is time, and therefore, we convey you to your audience in the most impressive way in 3-4 minutes.
02. We Have a Special Idea for You
With the widespread use of social media, new well-known people named social media influencers have entered our lives. While some of videos is about cars, make-up, comedy, phenomena whose videos are watched a lot in every field have become a part of our lives. If necessary, we can reach your company to the masses with much lower budgets by making viral advertisements with these influencers or with different fictions.